Monday, July 23, 2012

Natural Hair: A Look?

Lately, I've been hearing natural hair referred to as, 'a look'. This is something that occurred before, but since I'm a rookie in the game, I'm noticing it more and more. 

To me, a look implies something that is created. One does not decide to wear their hair natural to appear a certain way. If they did, their decision was for the wrong reason. Being natural isn't a style or a fad-- it's a lifestyle. 

Some people wear their hair natural to nurture their health. Your hair shouldn't be left out of your health routine. For many, it is easier to have natural hair rather than worry about 'sweating out your edges' when you workout. Wearing your hair in its natural state may also encourage better health. You can't expect your hair to grow and thrive when you are putting toxic in your body. My decision to wear my hair natural was influenced by a combination of things. Health was an important factor, but self-love was the main determinant. 

I decided to love myself entirely. Regardless of what society thinks, I am sufficient, my hair included. 

Sporting your natural curls, kinks, and coils isn't for vanity. A little piece of me dies inside when someone says, 'Not everyone can pull off the natural look'. It only shows how far we have to go as a society. Natural hair is beautiful. Don't get discouraged if people don't agree with your choice to wear your hair in it's natural state. Show them with your actions why natural hair is a great decision.

Confidence looks good on anyone. Many people didn't like my hair when I first went natural. Instead of replying to the nonsense, I showed them by caring for my hair. Now that my hair is longer, many people don't have much to say, but that they love it!

"It doesn't matter what anyone says; all that matters is what you think of yourself." -India Arie


  1. saw you on bglh today and thought i'd check you out, especially since i'm guessing you're a fellow hawkeye since that is the only school in iowa that matters! LOL

    1. Absolutely! That's awesome! There aren't too many of us so it's great to meet another black natural sisters!

  2. Your entry today is poignant. Thank you for posting it to give followers something to think about. I agree with you wholeheartedly on two specific points. 1) "Confidence looks good on anyone." 2) "A little piece of me dies inside when someone says, 'Not everyone can pull off the natural look'."

    How can being your real, whole and perfect self not look good?

    1. I'm glad you agree! It's like being stabbed in the chest. If you dont believe in/ love yourself you can't expect anyone else to. Some people don't understand how they subconsciously feel about themselves.

  3. I loveee your hair....I cut my hair a year ago and I am still learning on ways to care for it. When i first did the chop I was scared..I walked around with my head high but deep inside I wasn't confident at all..I got the comments that you've touched on about how i can carry the natural look, LOL!!! and it did feel like i was being stabbed...there was a time when i wore a wig coz I had an "accident" with an overzealous barber, I remember a few black folks telling me they preferred the wig, which shocked me...I think that was my turning point..I was pissed off and decided no one was going to dictate what made me beautiful..this isn't a look or a phase ..its me, who I am and i love it
    i love my natural hair, its not a 'look', its me..I still have a ways to go to get it healthier and longer but I am optimistic and more than anything, I am working on my mind making sure i am healthy and is only skin deep after all...
    thanks soo much for sharing ur expeiences

    1. No problem! Thank you so much! Confidence makes everything. You're right, 'beauty is only skin deep'. We've got to work from the inside out!

  4. Hey hun! Where did you get your earrings from?

    1. Hey! I got them from a store called 'Ragstock'. I'm not sure where their stores are located.
